This Week's House GOP Newsletter - December 5, 2024
Highlights in this edition:
Smaller Growth Projected by Surrounding States as FY 2026 Revenue Forecasts Set
- Iowa's Revenue Estimating Conference meets December 12
Iowa Insurance Division Publishes Health Insurance Report
- After 2024 open enrollment, nearly 40% of Iowa policies receiving advance premium tax credits (APTC) paid premiums less than $10 a month, with an average Iowa premium after the APTC of $93
What Does It Take to be a Substitute Teacher?
- Individuals have two pathways toward becoming a substitute teacher in Iowa: substitute license and substitute authorization
2024 DNR Volunteer Fire Assistance Grants Awarded to Rural Fire Department
- $416,000 in 50 percent cost-share grants were recently awarded to 138 Iowa rural fire departments to help their efforts to protect Iowan's and their property from wildfires
$33.4 million provided to EMS in Iowa
- Based on legislation by the Iowa House, emergency medical services recently received an additional $33.4 million to 66 EMS locations in Iowa