
Highlights in this edition:

  • Higher Costs Continue to Impact DOT Budget in FY 2026
    • Vehicle replacements costs are way up - the cost of replacing a truck purchased in 2013 for $132,000 had risen to $226,000 last year which is a 71 percent increase over 12 years
  • House Ag Panel Approves Measure to Facilitate Farm to Table Meat Sales
    • The bill creates a new type of licensed and inspected food processing entity that can store processed packaged meat or poultry raised by the licensee and offered for sale at a premise or farm on a wholesale or retail basis
  • The Cost of Higher Education
    • Jay P. Greene, a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation’s center for Educational Policy said: “A university is not an all-service commune with full-service, soup-to-nuts care for every need, as if students were children. The core mission of a school is teaching and research, so those should be the priorities, as well as limiting the cost to families and taxpayers. But that’s not their priority. Their priority is to expand empires.”
  • Local Government Moves Bill to Provide Flexibility for County Attorneys
    • Many rural counties in Iowa have struggled to find higher qualified county attorneys with the current salary cap
  • Casino Moratorium Making its Way Through Process
    • The bill prohibits the commission from issuing new licenses between January 1, 2025, and June 30, 2030

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