
Highlights in this edition:

  • Concerned with Something at Your School? Here’s How to Deal With it
    • Parents, guardians and community members should work with district staff to resolve disagreements or concerns, but if that doesn’t work there are other options
  • Consumable Hemp Rules Adopted
    • A liquid serving is considered 12 oz. Up to 4mg of THC can be in a 12 oz container. Up to 8 mg THC can be in a 24 oz container, and up to 10 mg THC can be in a 30 oz container
  • Election Security in Iowa
    • Voters are required to provide valid identification to poll workers before they are able to receive a paper ballot
  • Get Ready for Annual Sales Tax Holiday!
    • The sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday in August and ends at 12:00 am midnight the following day—so the sales tax is back for Sunday purchases!

Click here to read the entire newsletter.

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