Ways and Means Committee: 2022 Bills Signed into Law
House File 2128 - Governor's Biofuels Access Bill
House File 2317 - Tax Cut Package
House File 2552 - Department of Revenue Omnibus
Senate File 2325 - Iowa Economic Development Authority Omnibus Bill
Senate File 2366 - Taxation of Wind Energy Conversion Property
Senate File 2367 - Department of Revenue
Senate File 2370 - Sales Tax Exemption for Certain Aircraft
Senate File 2383 - Governor's Workforce Bill
Senate File 577 - Certificates for Nonviable Births
Senate File 2373 - Lake Manawa, Waubonsie State Park Nonresident User Fee Pilot Program Extension
Senate File 581 - Liquidated Damages and Depredation Permits for Antlerless Deer