
(DES MOINES) -- On Wednesday, April 28, the Iowa House voted to pass a ban on vaccine passports in Iowa. 

HF 889 prohibits state and local governments from issuing any sort of identification card that identifies a person's COVID-19 vaccination status.  The bill also states that businesses that require proof of vaccination from customers, clients, or others will become ineligible for state contracts or grants, while allowing exceptions for health and long-term care facilities. 

Representative Steve Holt (R-Denison) led the bill through the Iowa House.

"No Iowan should be forced to have a chemical injected into their body against their will to be able to resume their everyday lives," Holt said. "I believe vaccine passports are un-American and unconstitutional and I was proud to lead this legislation to protect Iowans' freedom to make the health care decision that is best for them."

Speaker Pat Grassley (R-New Hartford) praised the legislation. 

“Iowans have been loud and clear. They want their medical freedoms protected and their health care information to remain private. We heard from our constituents and we took action," said Grassley.


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