This Week's House GOP Newsletter - April 11, 2024
Highlights in this edition:
Budget Work Picks Up Pace as House, Senate Appropriations Bills Unveiled
- This important step allows Iowans to draw some comparisons between the different approaches of the two chambers
IEDA Awards CAT Grants and Sports Tourism Grant
- Fort Dodge, Atlantic, Clear Lake, Mt. Pleasant, Kalona, Clayton County, Carroll, Rock Valley, Mt. Ayr and Newton all received grants
Programs that Help Workers
- The adult and dislocated worker programs are designed to assist unemployed and underemployed Iowans to improve their skills and obtain quality employment
Connecting Public Dollars to Charitable Services
- Another tool for local governments to utilize public dollars to help those in their communities who need assistance
Governor Signs Bill on Foreign Ownership of Land into Law
- The new law increases reporting requirements, increases enforcement of current laws, and authorizes the Attorney General’s office to investigate reports of potential violations of Iowa’s laws concerning foreign ownership
House Passes Iowa Rural Development Tax Credit Program
- The bill will save Iowans $1.8 million annually